Friday, December 18, 2009

Friday Nonsense... theeeen some great news!

Where is my knight in shining armour? i.e. Adam Sandler in a hockey jersey and sweatpants, or Adam Sandler in a Hawaiian shirt and coolats, or Adam Sandler with a mullet serenading me to The Cure… okay so basically the common denominator is a goofy guy in cuddle-ready attire who has a secret soft spot for 80s love ballads.  Coz basically, all I’m longing to do right now is a) find that elusive “knight in shining armour” b) curl up with him and c) stay nestled in his arms listening to “Endless Love” in the dark.  I think Adam Sandler would dig that.  If he wasn’t married.  But he is, and he ain’t no Tiger.  Actually, Tiger ain’t no Tiger either.  He’s a Cheetah. BWAAAAAAAHA!

Hoo boy, I need a stiff drink.  I’ve needed one since Wednesday.  Coz everyday this week felt like a Monday… except for today.  Coz it’s FRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.

I woke up in the morning feelin like P Diddy.  So tonight, imma get TIPsyyyyyy… I’M talking bout e’erbody getting crunk crunk, boys try to touch my junk junk ♪♪♪ 

Sadly, the boys that try to touch my junk aren’t knight-in-shining-armour-cuddle-worthy.  Actually, they’re usually pretty skeevy… if they should get past the “try” stage and actually succeed in touching, I’d prolly gotta Purell my junk.  Scratch that, One Step that shit.  One Step has wonderfully delightful scents such as Cucumber Melon (that’s my faaaaaaaaaavourite).  Haha, I just envisioned Cucumber Melon smelling junk… now THAT’S what I call bootylicious.

Oh okay, so I should probably mention something relevant in this blog that was created for the purposes of pimping out my YouTube Channel so here it is: I’m currently working on a few NEW songs.  GASPFACE, simultaneously, I know.  That is how I like to finish.

Ya, so these “new songs” are actually just going to be me wrapping up songs that have had loose ends since circa 2003… that’s right, since I was 16.  All of them are very different sounds, so you’ll get to see verrrrrrry different sides of me--- I mean, not that you didn’t already, T-Dot State of Mind was a pleasant shock to some… but to those that know me very well that was just classic Aimee.

Just to clear something up that I twittered the other day (… no, I don’t actually believe I’m falling ass backwards into a rap career, that was clearly jokes after “T-Dot” and coz I’m now working with a beatsmaster (holla at ma boiiiiiii 

Buuuuut I must thank everyone for the success of my T-Dot State of mind video, wow I was blown away by the attention that lil vid garnered, from random KISS 92.5 fans (one kid even posted it on the KISS 925 Facebook Fan Page!) and even a comment from ROZ WESTON himself… I was honoured- thanks everyone!  For real, I am so blessed that that video allowed me to express something that means a lot to me, something I’ve always been a huge advocate for...not wearing pants.

That’s my rant.  Imma try to make this blog thing weekly… but in the meantime, watch out for more tunes on my Youtube Channel!

VP. Out.